Dear Parent/Guardian:
Currently our students have been busy with DIBLES testing in grades K-1 and preparing for ISTEP/IREAD in grades 3-5. The second benchmark assessment has been completed in grades 2-5. Ask your child’s teacher how they are progressing and what you can do to help him/her reach their learning goals. Teachers are monitoring the children’s progress in reading and math. These regular check-ups guide us in our daily planning and preparation. We want all our children to grow and realize their potential. February has quickly arrived and we have much to do in the days ahead. Below is a list of some information we hope you find helpful.
Frank Anglin, Ed.S.
YEARBOOK PICTURES: January 17 was yearbook picture day. Classroom and special group pictures were taken for our yearbook. A special thanks to Mrs. Clark who sponsors our yearbook production.
TESTING: Benchmark assessments have been completed in Grades 2-5. These measure student growth, indicate ISTEP preparedness and provides teachers with feedback for planning instruction. A good night’s sleep and good breakfast will help your child perform their best during the state mandated assessments.
U.S. SHAKE OUT: Once again Moran Elementary School will be participating in the great “American Shake Out!” This nation wide drill will be conducted on Friday, February 9. Indiana is in a fault zone and is susceptible to earthquakes. We plan to be prepared in such an event.
WRITING: Students in grades K-5 continue to practice and learn the Lucy Calkin’s writing process put in place in all PHM elementary schools. Writing impacts learning in other subject areas too. Please encourage your children to write. It’s a gift that will never stop giving.
ISTEP/IREAD: Both of these very important assessments are coming soon. (IREAD – March 12-16; ISTEP February 26-March 9.) Is your child ready? Have you been partnering with your child’s teacher? It takes all of us working together to reach each student’s potential. We appreciate and encourage your support for the success of your child.