Principal Anglin’s April Newsletter

Posted on March 29, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Hopefully April will bring more sunny skies and warmer weather. Soon we’ll be hearing the sound of baseballs flying off aluminum bats and observe kites flying overhead. Spring often teases us with sunny days and warming temperatures. I can hardly wait for the real thing to arrive. I’m sure you and your family feel the same way too. There’s just something refreshing about the start of a new season. April is another busy testing time for our students. Please note below these upcoming test windows and be sure your children are getting a good breakfast each morning as well as a good night’s sleep. It they are to do their best they need to be ready to go. A word of encouragement goes a long way too. Kindergarten registration is going well and will continue throughout the spring.



                                                                                                                                Frank Anglin, Ed.S.

Progress Reports:

Progress reports were sent home with students on March 29. If you did not receive a copy contact your child’s teacher.  


April 9 – April 13: 5th Grade Math/LA placement for Middle School

April 11 – May 9: DIBELS Reading K-1

April 16 – May 4: ISTEP grades 3-5

May 7 –   May 25: NWEA, select students grades 1,3,4

Note:  Mandatory ISTEP practice tests will be given to students prior to the actual test dates.


We expect IREAD scores to arrive after spring break. Students who did not pass the March IREAD assessment will be required to attend IREAD summer school. Students will receive small group intensive tutoring during this time. At this summer session students will have their final opportunity to pass the state mandated assessment. IREAD summer school is from June 11 – June 29, 2018.

School Improvement Plan/Targeted Focus Group:

Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) includes interventions that address student needs as identified by data from ISTEP. Moran has many ongoing interventions for students. Interventions are targeted to specific groups of students that demonstrate similar academic needs. It’s always important to discuss what, if any, your child’s interventions are with their teacher. Our goal is to help each student accomplish their personal best. Cooperation between home and school is important in helping your child achieve their personal best. Parents can assist by encouraging regular attendance, volunteer in your child’s classroom or a PTA activity and by monitoring your child’s individual learning goals. For information about our school’s performance parents may go to


Regular summer school for 2018 will be held at Meadow’s Edge from June 11 – June 29. The PHM transportation department provides transportation. If your child has been invited please get them signed up for this very important learning opportunity. The extra time and attention they receive in summer school may be just the academic boost they need to do their personal best. Principals for summer school have not yet been determined. Summer school sites are at Meadows Edge and Walt Disney. Moran students attend Meadows Edge. I look forward to seeing our students improve their skills during these sessions. Be looking for more summer school information from your child’s teacher as well as our monthly newsletters. 

5th Grade Tours:

Moran fifth graders will be traveling to their respective middle schools on Thursday, May 10. Students will tour the buildings with their teachers and eat lunch at the middle schools. Moran students attend either Grissom or Schmucker Middle School.

June 4-June 5:

Awards Day will be on June 4 and June 5th will be the all school Field Day. The last day of school is Tuesday, June 5.  

Last Modified May 24, 2019