Girls Basketball Youth League Sign-ups September 8th, 12 p.m.

Registration for the Girls Basketball Youth League will take place at Penn High School on Sunday, September 8th, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Please enter Door “D”.

Door D

This league is designed for girls in grades 3rd – 8th who live within the P-H-M District Boundaries.

Visit the PDFs posted below for information on how to register, dates/times/locations and cost.

CLICK HERE for complete league registration information.

CLICK HERE for important dates. 

2024 First Day Photo Gallery

We are so excited to have everyone back at school, please view the photo gallery below to see some “First Day of School Smiles!” 

Running is Elementary 2024 is in the Books!

The “Running is Elementary” program wrapped up its 2024 season with the main race at Elm Road Elementary School yesterday. The event saw enthusiastic participation from 4th and 5th grade students, both boys and girls, who competed in a 1-mile course that tested their endurance and speed.

The annual program, aimed at promoting fitness and healthy lifestyles among elementary school students, brought together participants from various schools in the area. 

team gets ready

Parents and teachers cheered from the sidelines as students dashed toward the finish line, each striving to put forth their best effort. The event not only highlighted the physical capabilities of the students but also emphasized the importance of physical education in the school curriculum.

Meadows Edge TEam Photo

The “Running is Elementary” program has been a key event in the community’s calendar for the last 15 years, fostering a sense of unity and encouraging children to adopt active lifestyles. Special thanks to the P-H-M Education Foundation for making it possible! 

4th Grade Girls

  • Praire Vista 6:24
  • Horizon 7:14
  • Elm Road 7:15

4th Grade Boys

  • Northpoint 6:08
  • Meadow’s Edge 6:22
  • Northpoint 6:50

5th Grade Girls

  • Bittersweet 6:42
  • Horizon 6:59
  • Meadow’s Edge 7:03

5th Grade Boys

  • Prairie Vista 6:07
  • Mary Frank 6:11
  • Horizon 6:12


Running is Elementary Date Announced, May 6, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that the P-H-M Education Foundation is providing funding for the 15th annual Running is Elementary program!

SAVE THE DATE!  The date is May 6 (Rain Date May 8).

All P-H-M 4th & 5th grade students are invited to participate.  Students will practice at their home schools with the culminating run at Elm Road Elementary School.

More details will follow so be on the lookout for communication regarding signups. 

Take a look at the video below to see how fun and exciting it is!

Greg Trytko named as the inaugural Culver’s Bus Driver of the Month

We’re happy to introduce you to PHM bus driver Greg Trytko as the inaugural Culver’s Bus Driver of the Month!!!

Greg drives Bus #117 for Moran Elementary. Greg is a ’78 Penn grad and has been with PHM for going on seven years. Greg is praised for his positive attitude & willingness to cover extra routes when needed.

So far this school year, he has completed 41 field & athletics trips–adding up to almost 250 hours! The PHM Transportation Department is beyond grateful for Greg! Thank you Culver’s and P-H-M Education Foundation for being valued partners. 

Do you have a bus driver you want to nominate for Culver’s Bus Driver of the Month? We want to recognize elementary, middle and high school bus operators. Click here to fill out the nomination form. Winners will be announced on the last Wednesday of every month.

bus driver of the month

Moran March Madness a Huge Success!

On Friday, March 17th, 2023, our Parent Teacher Association hosted Moran March Madness! 

Moran March Madness is one of our major fundraisers that supports our goal of enriching the educational experience here at Moran.

This event was about more than raising money though, it was also about bringing the community together.

For four hours, teams across grade levels competed in a tournament-style competition. 

One of the more anticipated showdowns of the evening pitted P-H-M Board Members and Administrators against our very own teachers! Watch a highlight video below:


While most of the evening was dedicated to basketball, halftime was our cheer squad’s time to shine! 

We’d like to thank the PTA, all the coaches, and parent/staff volunteers for all your hard work in making this event such a HUGE success! ?

2023 Instrument Selection Night – March 13 & 14 OR March 6 & 7

Moran is unique in P-H-M in that some of our students will go to Grissom Middle School while others will go to Schmucker Middle School. If a student lives on the North side of the river, they will go to Schmucker. If they live on the South side of the river, they will go to Grissom.  CLICK HERE to verify which school your student will attend.

Monday, March 13 and Tuesday, March 14
4:30 – 7:30 p.m.


Monday, March 6 and Tuesday, March 7
4:30 – 7:30 p.m.


Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation is nationally recognized as one of the “Best Communities for Music Education” offering choir, band and orchestra at Schmucker, Discovery and Grissom Middle Schools.

Every P-H-M 5th grader who will be attending a P-H-M middle school as an incoming 6th grader in the Fall 2023 has the opportunity to join an instrumental music class, which includes either band or orchestra. “Instrument Selection Night” is when students and families get to make their choice!

In order to join 6th grade band or orchestra, students must select an instrument that they will learn throughout their time in their chosen class. Our Instrument Selection Nights are designed with the intention of helping your child make this decision.

At “Instrument Selection Night,” a music professional will be available to give students advice about which instrument may be best suited for them. They will be allowed to “try out” instruments from various instrument groups. Click here to visit the expansive website with more details on on Instrument Selection Night.

You will sign up for an appointment at one of our Instrument Selection Nights. Try to sign up at the middle school where your child will attend. If those dates do not work, you may sign up for one of the other nights. Click here to sign up.

 Click here to download a PDF that provides more information on PHM Band and Orchestra.

PHM Schools Polling Locations on Nov. 8

Voting Information

Pen Pal Meet Up Day!

Bittersweet and Moran first grade students have been writing letters back and forth through a brand new pen pals program! (Not to be confused with Penn PALS, the P-H-M preschool program)


Each student has been writing to a “buddy” at the other school. The latest letter that the Bittersweet students wrote was an invitation to the Moran students to visit Bittersweet.

Today that visit happened. Not only did the “buddies” meet each other, but they also spent time with and got to know each other over the course of several hours.

Bitt and Moran student

The buddies sat together through drawing and arts and crafts lessons before heading down to the Digital Video Theater & Planetarium.

Bittersweet DVT

The pen pal program is expected to run through the duration of the school year. The Moran students plan to reciprocate the Bittersweet hospitality by inviting Bittersweet students to visit Moran some time around Thanksgiving. Stay tuned!


Dress Like a Book Character Day!

As Read Across America week concludes, we thought it would be fun to dress like our favorite book characters.

We had Mary Poppins, several Harry Potters and the entire cast of Winnie the Pooh! 

It was so much fun not only to dress up, but to engage in the conversations that the costumes sparked.

People would ask “who are you dressed as?” and that would open the opportunity to tell a friend about a book they love.

Below are some photos, take a look!