2019 Running is Elementary
Monday, April 29 (Rain Date Wed., May 1)
3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
behind Elm Road Elementary School
59400 Elm Road, Mishawaka
“Running is Elementary” is gearing up for another great year! This is the 11th year for the one mile, non-competitive run which will feature the participation of almost 700 fourth and fifth grade students from all 11 P-H-M elementary schools. This event is FREE to students and takes place on the Penn cross-country course located behind Elm Road Elementary School.
Each school year fourth and fifth graders are encouraged to join the running club at each of P-H-M’s elementary schools. The kids go through this six-week club trained by designated coaches at each school. The end of the six weeks is then celebrated by participating in the Running is Elementary run.
Click to download the RIE forms to sign your student(s) to participate.
Mary Frank physical education teacher and P-H-M’s 2009 Teacher of the Year Cindy Batalis began this event in 2008. Running has always been a true passion for Batalis and she shares that passion with students by organizing this yearly event.
The event is hosted by the P-H-M Education Foundation and Corporations for Education.
Penn hosts FIRST Robotics Tournament March 9 & 10
Penn High School will once again host the FIRST Robotics St. Joseph District Event on Saturday, March 9 and Sunday, March 10.
Plan on coming out and enjoying the excitement of more than 40 high school FRC robotics teams from Indiana and Michigan battling it out on a basketball court-sized field with four-foot tall, 120-pound robots! Join more than 5,000 students, coaches, mentors, parents and fans during this one-of-a-kind two-day event! WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW to get a taste of all the excitement!
Cheer on Penn’s Team 135 and make sure to bring your Robotics fans to enjoy Next Gen, an area for students ages K-8, who can get hands-on engaging fun with some of Team 135’s other robots. Next Gen will be open Saturday from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The entire event is FREE ADMISSION!
Instrument Selection Night for Incoming Grissom & Schmucker 6th graders
Schmucker Instrument Selection Nights
Monday, March 4, 2019
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Grissom Instrument Selection Night
Thursday, March 7, 2019
4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation is nationally recognized as one of the “Best Communities for Music Education” offering choir, band and orchestra at P-H-M’s three middle schools: Schmucker, Discovery, and Grissom Middle Schools. Moran Elementary’s school zone is divided for middle school between Schmucker & Grissom middle schools.
Every P-H-M 5th grader who will be attending a P-H-M middle school as an incoming 6th grader in the Fall 2020 has the opportunity to join an instrumental music class, which includes either band or orchestra. “Instrument Selection Night” is when students and families get to make their choice!
In order to join 6th grade band or orchestra, students must select an instrument that they will learn, practice and perform for the school year. Click this link to sign-up for your appointment at your designated school and date. *If you have not received a letter with details about this process, please contact Glenn Northern at gnorthern@phm.k12.in.us.
At “Instrument Selection Night,” a music professional will be available to give students advice about which instrument may be best suited for them. They will be allowed to “try out” instruments from various instrument groups.
Mrs. Fadorsen’s February Newsletter
Dear Moran Families,
I would like to reintroduce myself. As some of you may remember, I was the acting interim principal last fall when Mr. Anglin was on medical leave. This year, I return while Mr. Anglin is out for another medical leave. I am very excited to be back with the students and staff at Moran. It was so much easier this year as I know the “lay of the land!”. It was surprising to see how many kids remembered me, and I am enjoying visiting with them each day.
Although I am unsure how long I will be staying, I want to assure you we are working hard each day to maximize student learning and success. I am sure you are aware that state standards and expectations have become increasingly more rigorous since you were in school. Our teachers work so hard to provide the highest quality instruction to your students every day. We value your support and appreciate any and all help you can provide your child at home: insuring they complete their homework, read at night, and practice their math facts. Just spending a few minutes with your child checking their homework can make all the difference. It also shows them how important YOU think learning is and how putting forth your best effort is not only the best way to be successful in school, it is an essential life skill we all take into the world.
Currently, teachers in grades K-2 are administering mid-year DIBELS tests and students in grades 3-5 are completing AIRWays Interim Assessments in ELA, Writing, and Math. Teachers use the results of these formative assessments to guide their instruction. Ask your child’s teacher what you can do to help them reach their learning goals! We know all our students can succeed and want everyone to reach his/her fullest potential.
As we quickly progress through February, below are some upcoming events to mark on your calendars. Please help your child come to school well-rested, fed and ON TIME! No one likes to walk in late and feel behind before their day has even begun.
Amy Fadorsen
Interim Principal
2/8 – U.S. Shake Out
Once again, Moran Elementary School will be participating in the great “American Shake Out!” This nationwide drill will be conducted on Friday, February 8th. Indiana is in a fault zone and is susceptible to earthquakes. We plan to be prepared in such an event.
2/14 – Spring Parties – Party times vary among classrooms. Your teacher will be in contact if volunteers are needed!
2/15-2/18 – Presidents’ Day Recess – No School!
March 18-29 – IREAD Assessment for third grade students
Students prepare all year long for this week-long assessment. Please ensure your child is ready. Daily school attendance and partnering with the teacher will maximize your student’s potential to perform at their optimum level.
eLearning Parent Help & Reminders
Parents, your child’s teacher is using either Google Classroom or Canvas for their curriculum assignments. (If you are unsure, please contact your child’s teacher via email ASAP). Classroom teachers are reviewing with students the process today in case they have any questions.
In either situation, you will begin by going to the primary launchpad (primary.phmschools.org) and selecting either Canvas or Google (then Google Classroom). From there, you will sign in by entering your child’s username and password. Your child should be familiar with this username/password from regular use, but if you are unsure, please contact your child’s teacher.
After logging in, you should see a class from your child’s teacher. Click to proceed and follow the prompts.
As general reminders, you are not required to print any of the assignments, but you may do so if you choose. Students will have 5 days to submit the assignments after the missed school day. Keep in mind that the computer lab will be opened, when school is back in session, as an option before or after school for students as needed. Please contact your teacher for specifics if necessary.
Also remember that your primary contact on eLearning days is your child’s teacher. They will be accessible by email and will help to answer any questions you may have.
Kindergarten Registration for 2019-2020 NOW OPEN!
Registration for kindergarten students for the 2019-2020 school year opened on Tuesday, January 22, 2019.
This registration opportunity is for youngsters who live within the P-H-M district and who will be five-years-old on or before September 1, 2019.
Registration for Moran Elementary will take place during the hours of 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. A parent or guardian must appear in person to register their child.
Click here for more registration forms and more details on P-H-M Kindergarten Registration.
Penn-Harris-Madison also operates two preschool programs: Early Learning Academy (ELA) and Penn PALS. Neither program is offered at Moran, but you can click the links below to learn more about the programs available at our other elementary school sites.
Click here to learn more about Penn PALS and download a registration form. Registration for the 2019-20 school year opens Monday, March 11, 2019.
Click here to learn more about ELA and to download a registration form. Registration for the 2019-20 school year opens Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019.
2019-2020 P-H-M School Calendar is released
The first day for students of the 2019-2020 school year is Wednesday, August 21, 2019 and the last day for students is Wednesday, June 3, 2020.
Other important dates include:
- September 2, 2019: Recess Day – Labor Day
- October 25 & 28, 2019: Fall Recess Days
- November 5, 2019: Recess Day – General Election
- November 27-29, 2019: Thanksgiving Recess Days
- December 23-Jan. 3, 2020: Winter Break
- January 20, 2020: Recess Day – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- February 17, 2020: Recess Day – Presidents’ Day
- April 6-10, 2020: Spring Break
- May 5, 2020: Recess Day – Primary Election
- May 25, 2020: Recess Day – Memorial Day
Click here for a one-page pdf copy of the 2019-2020 school year calendar.
If you need copies of the 2018-2019 school year and activity calendars, please click here.
Principal Anglin’s Newsletter
Dear Parents/Guardians:
As the New Year approaches I often stop and ask myself, “Where has the time gone?” Although the winter break does not officially mark the halfway point, it is close. As I look ahead I see many opportunities for our Moran families to enjoy time together in several of our PTA sponsored events. January will offer the Father/Daughter and Mother/Son Winter Ball. Additional activities are scheduled later in the spring. Isn’t spending time with one’s family what it’s all about? I think so and I’m sure you agree. These opportunities to spend time together will pass all too quickly. So be sure and set aside some time together for your family. To be current with what’s happening at Moran and PHM check the Moran or PHM web site. I have also listed some additional information below.
Frank Anglin, Ed.S.
January 7: School Resumes. Welcome Back
January 16: First Semester Ends
January 21: No School, Dr. Martin Luther King Day
January 18: PTA Winter Ball
January Assessments: DIBELS Gr K-2, CogAt select Gr K,2,5, WIDA and AIRways Gr 3-5,
2019 ILEARN TEST WILL BE CHALLENGING: The Indiana Department of Education has changed the vendor who provides tests for students in grades 3-5. The best way for me to describe the new assessment is: ILEARN will be more rigorous in content and require students to persevere through lengthy problems, requiring multiple answers. This will not come easily or natural to students. At Moran we start preparing students for the new tests from the very first day of school. Parents can help support their child by insuring homework is completed, keeping in contact with their child’s teacher and encouraging them to do their personal best each and every day.
Note: Parents may go to the D.O.E. website and find more information about ILEARN.
Track Your Child’s Bus: Using a smart phone or computer you can track your child’s bus each school day. Here’s how:
Register for GPS bus tracking by creating your “Here Comes the Bus” account through this link: www.HereComesTheBus.com
• PHM’s account number, which is 76205
• Child’s last name
• Child’s Student ID#
The “Here Comes the Bus” app is also available in Google Play and iTunes making it available on your smart phone. If you have problems with the app or website contact “Here Comes the Bus” directly at 1-877-SYNOVIA or herecomesthebus@synoviasolutions.com
eLearning: When students miss school due to cancellation they can access their assignments in real time with their teacher. Parents should have already received information from their child’s teacher regarding eLearning. School work during an eLearning day is expected to be completed. Incomplete assignments will be treated just like any other homework that is not turned in. If you have questions about eLearning you may contact your child’s teacher.
Vocational Options and Saving for College
Discovery Middle School PTO in Partnership with Discovery Middle School presents “An Evening of Vocational Options and Saving for College.”
Please join us at Discovery Middle School for presentations about the College Savings 529 Plan and by Elkhart Area Career Center. The programs at the EACC are available to Penn High School students. A complete listing of classes and programs are outline in the Penn High School Program of Studies—just use the “Cntrl F” function to search for the Elkhart Area Career Center.
Monday, February 11, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at Discovery Middle School.
Penn Robotics Team 135 Offering Winter Workshops
Penn Robotics Team 135 is once again holding workshops for 1st - 8th grade students over two days of Winter Recess (Thurs., Dec. 27 & Friday, Dec. 28).
Creative Workshop 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Suggested Age: 1st - 3rd graders. Price: $80.00. A camp that stretches the creative mind! Students are given a design challenge to complete over the course of two days. Students will be using K’NEX to build a solution to the stated problem. They will be on teams that will design, create, and improve upon their concept. While having fun in an exciting environment, the emphasis is always on the process of design to build, while always improving on previous ideas! On Friday students will have the opportunity to test their concepts against the other teams within the workshop. Parents are also welcome to attend the Parent Show which will take place the last 15 minutes of the workshop on the December 28th. High school robotics students will be mentors during these two days of fun!
Applied Workshop 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Suggested Age: 4th – 8th graders. Price: $80.00. This camp is geared towards students who want to expand their knowledge in designing and manufacturing! This workshop is also geared towards students who can follow instructions and are comfortable behind computer software. Over the two days, students will be designing 3D parts on the computer that can be brought to life with many CNC Machines. Students will have the opportunity to use the 3D printer, CNC Laser Cutter, the CNC Router, and many other tools/machines in the Penn Robotics Lab! High school students will be mentoring and helping students with their 3D computer designs and machining their parts.