Dress Like a Book Character Day!

As Read Across America week concludes, we thought it would be fun to dress like our favorite book characters.

We had Mary Poppins, several Harry Potters and the entire cast of Winnie the Pooh! 

It was so much fun not only to dress up, but to engage in the conversations that the costumes sparked.

People would ask “who are you dressed as?” and that would open the opportunity to tell a friend about a book they love.

Below are some photos, take a look!

Young Authors’ Conference, Sat. March 5

(picture above was taken March 2019)

Mark your 2022 calendars for P-H-M’s Young Authors’ Conference:

Saturday, March 5

8:30 – 11:00 a.m.

Schmucker Middle School

P-H-M Elementary students, grades K-5

Registration Fee: $5 per child

Online registration is at phm.revtrak.net. The deadline for registration is Friday, February 18, 2022.


The Young Authors’ Conference is for P-H-M students in grades K-5. The event, sponsored by Corporations for Education, a division of the P-H-M Education Foundation, provides an opportunity for students and their parents to meet and hear from a well-known children’s authors. Click here to view the photo gallery of the 2019 event.

This year students and their parents will meet and hear from well-known children’s author, teacher, and speaker, Gabrielle Balkan. Mrs. Balkan is best known for non-fiction books that delight readers ages 3-12 with curious and essential facts about the United States, animal record-breakers, and ground-breaking artists. Mrs. Balkan will share her experiences as a writer and illustrator during her engaging, grade-level  presentations.

Participants and parents will also enjoy an interactive, up-close animal experience from the Potawatomi Zoo staff.   As part of the morning activities, students will share their own writing piece in small, adult-led group sessions with students from other P-H-M elementary schools. While students are meeting with their peers, parents will join P-H-M Teacher and writing expert, Mary Nicolini, as she explores how writing can be a method for remembering and preserving events using real-life stories, drawings, and photographs.

Elementary student attendees will also work in small adult-led breakout sessions sharing their own writing pieces with other P-H-M students.

COST: The registration fee of $5.00 per child is used for conference expenses. There is no cost for the parent. One parent only must accompany students!  However, keep in mind that students and parents will separate for a portion of the day.  YOUNGER siblings may not accompany adults. This experience is for your young author and parent.

REGISTRATION: Online registration will be available at phm.revtrak.net. If you don’t have a P-H-M Revtrak account, you will need to create one. There is a fee for using this service. The deadline for registration will be Friday, February 18.

CONFIRMATION: Participating students will receive additional information prior to the conference through their home school at the beginning of March.

QUESTIONS: If you have any questions, please contact Lindsay Schirripa at lschirripa@phm.k12.in.us.

Penn Harris Madison COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic

The Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation considers the health and safety of our school community as a top priority. The FDA has issued an extension of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), allowing the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 5 years of age and older. As such, in conjunction with the St. Joseph Regional Medical Center, we are offering a free COVID-19 Vaccination clinic for all students, staff, and parents/guardians.

This voluntary event is being held after school hours as a convenience for those families wishing to participate. P-H-M recognizes and respects family decisions in regards to non-IDOH immunization requirements.

Who can get the vaccine?

  • The vaccine is now available for children 5 – 11 and everyone age 12 and older. For the scheduled dates, we are providing an opportunity for any P-H-M student, parent/guardian, and staff member eligible to be vaccinated with their first dose, second dose, or booster shots to those already vaccinated.
  • Only the Pfizer vaccine is approved for the ages 5-11 age group at this time. Two doses of the Pfizer vaccine are needed to provide full immunization. The first one primes the immune system, helping it to recognize the virus, and the second one strengthens the immune response. If the vaccine you received requires two doses, you should receive both doses, the second dose for this age group being 3 weeks after the first dose. An individual is considered fully protected 2-weeks after the second/last dose.

When will the vaccinations be offered?

  • Tuesday, January 18th, 5-7:30 p.m.

Where will the vaccinations be offered?

  • The walk-up clinic will take place at Schmucker Middle School
  • Please enter through Door C (see map). Please note that this is the same door as the previous clinics. 
  • Address: 
    Schmucker Middle School
    56045 Bittersweet Rd. Mishawaka 46545.

Keynotes about the vaccine for ages 5 -11?

  • All children in the eligible group of ages 5-11 will have to be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
  • Children ages 5 through 11 years receive one-third of the adult dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.  Smaller needles, designed specifically for children, are used for children ages 5 through 11 years.
  • COVID-19 vaccine dosage does not vary by patient weight but by age on the day of vaccination.
  • Your child will need a second shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine three weeks after their first shot.
  • The experience of getting a COVID-19 vaccine will be very similar to the experience of getting routine vaccines. Use the tips to support your child before, during, and after routine vaccinations when getting a COVID-19 vaccine.

Registration Form (needed for 1st dose Only):

  • Pre Registration will NOT be required. Individuals will be served in the order in which they arrive.
    If possible, please print off and complete the registration before arrival.
    LINK: Registration (English)
  • Although there is NO COST to the participants, St. Joseph Health Systems asks that you please bring your insurance cards & state-issued IDs to help the registration process. If you do not have insurance, you will not be turned away. 

If the dates or times won’t work for my family, how can I sign up to get vaccinated elsewhere?

Meals for eLearning Day on Tues., March 30, 2021

With the announcement that Tuesday, March 30, 2021 will be an eLearning day, the meal plan for March 30th is as follows:


  • Every elementary student in school on Monday, March 29th will receive a meal for Tuesday, March 30th as they leave. 
  • Breakfast AND lunch will be included for students who attend Bittersweet, Elm Road, Elsie Rogers, Horizon, Mary Frank, Meadow’s Edge, Walt Disney, Moran & Madison.
  • Lunch only will be provided for students who attend Northpoint & Prairie Vista
  • Elementary School Menu


  • When students leave school on Friday, March 26th, they will receive 2 days worth of meals. Those meals will cover Monday, March 29th and Tuesday March 30th.
  • Students at Grissom and Schmucker will receive pre-packaged breakfast and lunch.
  • Students at Discovery will receive pre-packaged lunches.
  • Middle School Menu

High School

  • When students leave school on Friday, March 26th, they will receive 2 days worth of meals. Those meals will cover Monday, March 29th and Tuesday March 30th.
  • High School Menu

Meals for 100% Virtual Learners:

  • Pick up meals at Door K at Penn High School
  • Day & Time: Monday, March 29, 1-3 p.m.
  • Students will receive a refrigerated box and a frozen bag with four (4) breakfasts and four (4) lunches since Friday, April 2nd is a recess day.

Additional Information

  • Students do not need to be present for the parent or guardian to pick up meals.
  • Student ID’s WILL NOT be required.

*Meals will not be provided on Recess Days.


Menus for all schools and virtual learners can be found here.

Meijer Pharmacy Administers 1,170 Vaccine Doses


Almost a year to the date Indiana schools shut down (P-H-M schools shut down on March 12, 2020), P-H-M teachers and staff got a literal shot in the arm and marked a major step forward in our fight against COVID-19.


On Monday, March 8, 202, Meijer Pharmacy set up a vaccination clinic inside the Main Arena at Penn High School and administered 1,170 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine


Every P-H-M teacher and staff member who wanted to get the vaccine was able to do so. 


The vaccines were made available under the federal allotment of vaccines through the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program. The White House announced that the federal allotment would be open to educational staff at schools so teachers and staff could receive the vaccine, especially in states where educational staff had not been included in the first responder group. P-H-M Human Resources reached out to Meijer as word spread that they were working with Indiana schools to set up on-site vaccination clinics.


We are so thankful to the team at Meijer and to EVERYBODY at P-H-M who worked so hard to make this event happen on very short notice. 


Meijer Pharmacists
Two Meijer pharmacists who helped administer 1,170 vaccines on March 8, 2021


Jenni McCarthy, a kindergarten teacher at Bittersweet Elementary said “I honestly have to say that it was fantastic when I found out that we could get them right here at school. I didn’t have to go anywhere. I didn’t have to sign up on any list, I didn’t have to do anything. It just goes to show that Penn-Harris-Madison is a great place to work because they always think of their employees first and are trying to make sure that we are safe to be back in the classroom.”


In addition to the over 700 P-H-M staff members who received a vaccine, we also reached out to area schools to make doses available to others as well. P-H-M felt it was important to share any extra vaccines with educators and staff from other school districts and private schools within P-H-M’s boundaries so that no vaccines would be wasted. 


teacher received vaccine
Marian High School Learning Specialist Katherine Dyer celebrates with her children & cries tears of joy after receiving her vaccine


Dr. Jerry Thacker, P-H-M’s superintendent of schools said “…this just has a tremendous positive impact on the feeling the teachers, all school employees and the students have with regards to receiving a vaccine. They know they’re going to be safer, so this is the first step in that. It also gives us a barometer of what we need to be doing in the future with regard to reaching out and making sure that we can get our students back [in person].”


Watch the video to get a fuller sense of what the day was like. Meijer will return to Penn Monday, March 29th to administer the second dose. 



To download high-resolution jpg files from the photo gallery below, just simply click the “DOWNLOAD” button on the bottom right-hand corner of the photo while viewing it in the Photo Gallery function. We are happy to provide this service to you, free of charge!


2019 Running is Elementary Results

There was a break in the rain on Wednesday (May 1) for the 11th annual “Running is Elementary.” The course was mostly dry, but the 4th and 5th grade runners did get a little muddy!

Click to watch the YouTube video below & then click here to see the full photo gallery on our Facebook page.

The one mile run is held at Penn’s Cross-country course, which is located behind Elm Road Elementary School. Approximately 610 students participated in Wednesday’s race. Many more students participated in the 6-week training leading up to the race, but could not participate in the rain day event held on May 1; originally the race was scheduled for Monday, April 29, but had to be rescheduled due to rain.

This annual event encourages fitness, healthy choices and wellness. Fourth and fifth graders are encouraged to sign up for the free running club. Designated coaches at each school are then tasked with training the runners for the 6-week club which then culminates with the Running is Elementary one mile race. The students are cheered on by their families, principals, teachers and running coaches; it’s amazing to see the dedication and hard work the students put in to complete the race. 

Cindy Batalis (P-H-M’s 2009 Teacher of the Year and physical education teacher at Mary Frank Elementary School) began the yearly tradition of Running Is Elementary back in 2008. Batalis’ own love for running and her desire to pass that love on to students is evident in the passion she puts into the Running is Elementary event each year. 

The top times for the 2019 Running Is Elementary Race were as follows:

5th grade Girls Winner

5th grade girls winner
BIB# 485
Time: 6:42

5th grade Boys Winner

5th grade boys winner

BIB# 431
Time: 6:11 


4th grade Girls Winner

4th grade girls winner
BIB# 522
Time: 7:21

4th grade Boys Winner

4th grade boys winner
BIB# 163
Elsie Rogers
Time: 6:15

“Running Buddies” accompany those students who may need a little extra assistance and/or encouragement. All runners are to be congratulated for their efforts and hard work!

Running buddies Running buddies

Running Buddies Running buddies

A big thank you to the P-H-M Education Foundation and Corporations for Education for sponsoring the event! After Race Snack Donations were donated by Urban Swirl.

Congratulations Moran 4th & 5th Grade Students!

Moran students did a fantastic job competing in the 11th annual Running Is Elementary race May 1st.
Caden Kelly took FIRST PLACE with his finish of 6 minutes and 11 seconds!
Hadley Hunsberger took SECOND PLACE with her finish of 7 minutes and 33 seconds!
Congratulations to ALL 55 Moran 4th & 5th grade students who worked hard in practice, competed
well at the event, and finished the race with class and good sportsmanship! We are proud!

Principal Anglin’s May/June Newsletter

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The May/June calendar marks the beginning of the end of the 2018-2019 school year. Students in grades 3-5 are in the process of completing ILEARN exams. Results will not be immediately available. We will update you as soon as we here from the Indiana Department of Education. Kindergarten, first and second grade students are assessing end of year phonemic and comprehension skills (DIBELS). These are important assessments because they tell us how well our students are learning. From this data we examine our curriculum, instructional strategies and make modifications as needed. For you, the parent/guardian, these exams provide you with another benchmark in the progression of your child’s learning.
Extended Learning summer school will occur during the month of June. Meadows Edge and Walt Disney are the elementary host sites. Dates for attendance are June 10-28. This is an important learning experience for students who need a little more time and practice to master Indiana Standards. If your child has been invited be sure you get them signed up for this important learning opportunity.
IREAD 3 summer school will run concurrently and at the same sites. This session is offered to help third grade students pass the state mandated IREAD 3 exam.
High Ability Identification in grades K, 2 and 5 is now complete for this school year. Letters were sent to the parents of the newly identified students on March 29th. For more information about our high ability identification process, please visit our website https://www.phmschools.org/high-ability-enrichment.
I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful summer full of exciting memories of times spent with your family. Wrapping things up for this year only makes me more excited about the 2019-2020 school year when we can once again come together and create new memories. Below I have included some information that I hope you find helpful in planning for the days ahead.


Frank Anglin, Ed.S.
Important Dates:

May 30 – Kindergarten Graduation – 1:00 PM – GYM

June 4 – Awards Day
9:00 a.m. – Grades K-2
10:00 a.m. – Grades 3-5

June 5 – Field Day

Back To School Night:
August 20, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. For your convenience class lists will be posted outside the rooms and in our gym.

Kids Club 2019 Summer Registration Opens April 22

Kids Club 2019 Summer Program registration opens soon! Click here for more information and registration.

Full-day childcare is offered at two locations (Prairie Vista and Walt Disney Elementary schools) for current P-H-M students in grades K-5. Children will enjoy a variety of educational and recreational activities, crafts and field trips.

Cost is $125 a week, for five days a week. All children not currently enrolled in Kids Club are required to pay a $25 registration fee along with a non-refundable $100 activity fee deposit.

Click to download a copy of the registration form.

Locations:    Prairie Vista Elementary School

                       Walt Disney Elementary School

Dates:          June 6 – August 20, 2019

                       (closed July 4)

Times:          6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Questions: If you have questions about Kids Club Summer Session,

                       please call Binti Shah at (574) 258 – 9514 or

                       Ashley Stoffl at (574) 258 – 9587

April Newsletter

Moran April Newsletter

Dear Moran Families,

What a busy month it has been! I am so excited to have been a part of the wonderful Moran March Madness tradition. Thank you to all the families and friends who came out to support our students and PTA this year. A fantastic time was enjoyed by all! The money raised will go right back to the students and the activities sponsored by our hardworking, dedicated PTA .

Many events will take place in the next few months, and some are listed below. More details will be shared as the time gets closer but to highlight a few:  PHM’s annual Silver Mile will take place May 4th with the return of the Bubble Bash, School Talent Segment, and a run/walk for the whole family.

This summer, PHM has many camps and academies to keep your child actively engaged with school. Jr. Stem, Jr. Foreign Language, and the Visual Arts Academies promise to provide your children with valuable learning experiences that will open their eyes to the world around them and spark a passion within them.

Upon the return of spring break, all of our students will be demonstrating all they have learned this year through end-of-year testing. Our students in grades K-2 will begin DIBELS testing April 10 – May 8th.  Our students in grades 3-5 will have one last week to prepare for the ILEARN test that will begin the week of April 22 – May 17th. A grade-level testing schedule for ILEARN will be sent home detailing dates, times, and specific tests your children will be taking on the given day. PLEASE avoid scheduling appointments during the testing times. Ensure your children are well-prepared by making sure they have plenty of rest and a healthy breakfast.

Home & School Connection Tip of the Month: Strong Study Habits

Set your children up for success by helping them find a distraction-free study spot to complete their homework. Ask them to create a study routine. For instance, they could reserve a specific time each day to review notes leading up to a test.

Also, many students benefit from writing down a purpose or goal for each study period. For example: “I will learn the definitions of all the vocabulary words in this week’s story.”

Finally, encourage your students to experiment with study strategies to find what works best for them. They can close their eyes and imagine how a word is spelled or draw a picture to help them solve 3×7. What about singing their math facts to the tune of their favorite song? The possibilities are endless.

Upcoming Events

Mar. 30-Apr. 7 – Spring Break

Apr. 8-15 – 5th Gr. Language Arts Placement Tests

Apr. 8-May 17 – IAM Testing Window

Apr. 10-May 8 – DIBELS Testing Window

Apr. 19-Good Friday – NO School

Apr. 21-Easter Sunday

Apr. 22-May 17 – ILEARN Testing Window

Apr. 25-30 – PTA Spring Book Fair

Apr. 29 – Running is Elementary Race @ Elm Road School

Apr. 30 – Caregivers of Dependents with Special Needs Workshop @ SMS