Girls on the Run – Registration Due Date – Feb. 6th
Misson: We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.
Vision: We invision a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.
Over a period of 10 weeks, girls in the 3rd through 5th grade participate in an after-school program like no other. Designed to allow every girl to recognize her inner strength, the Girls on the Run curriculum inspires girls to define their lives on their own terms. Throughout the season, the girls make new friends, build their confidence and celebrate all that makes them unique.
The Girls on the Run lessons encourage positive emotional, social, mental and physical development. Participants explore and discuss their own beliefs around experiences and challenges girls face at this age. They also develop important strategies and skills to help them navigate life experiences. We start with helping the girls get a better understanding of who they are and what’s important to them. Then, we look at the importance of team work and healthy relationships. And, finally, the girls explore how they can positively connect with and shape the world.
Physical activity is woven into our program to inspire an appreciation of fitness and to build habits that lead to a lifetime of health. At the end of each three month session, the girls participate in a Girls on the Run 5k event. This celebratory, non-competitive event is the culminating experience of the curriculum. Completing the 5k gives the girls a tangible understanding of the confidence that comes through accomplishment as well as a framework for setting and achieving life goals. Crossing the finish line is a defining moment when the girls realize that even the seemingly impossible IS possible.
Registration forms are due Feb. 6th or before.
Practices are Tuesday and Thursday Feb. 28th – May 11th with a 5 K race on May 13th.
Instrument Selection Night for Next Year’s 6th Graders
Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation is nationally recognized as one of the “Best Communities for Music Education” offering choir, band, orchestra and even piano at our three middle schools.
Every P-H-M student who will be attending a P-H-M middle school as an incoming 6th grader in the Fall has the opportunity to join an instrumental music class, which includes either band or orchestra.
In order to join 6th grade band or orchestra, students must select an instrument that they will learn, practice and perform for the school year.
“Instrument Selection Night” is when students and families get to make their choice!
At “Instrument Selection Night,” a music professional musician will be availability to give students advice about which instrument may be best suited for them. They will be allowed to “try out” instruments from various instrument groups.
Please see the dates and times below for your students’ soon-to-be middle school …
Grissom Middle School
Tuesday, March 7
4:30-8:00 p.m.
Teacher Job Fair Friday, Feb. 3, 2017
If you are interested in joining one of Indiana’s best school districts, our PHM Administrators want to meet you! Please visit
Kindergarten registration for 2017-18 opens Tues., Jan. 17, 2017
Registration for kindergarten students for the 2017-2018 school year will begin at each P-H-M elementary school on Tuesday, January 17, 2017. This registration opportunity is for youngsters who live within the P-H-M district and who will be five years old on or before September 1.
Penn-Harris-Madison has 11 elementary schools, each offering full-day kindergarten. You may use the P-H-M Street Guide and the District Map to verify which elementary school serves your neighborhood.
Registration will take place at the schools during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in most cases. The offices at Elsie Rogers Elementary School and Moran Elementary School will take registrations from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Please note a parent or guardian must appear in person to register their child and will need to bring following documentation:
Child’s original birth certificate
Two proofs of residency (e.g., recent lease/rental agreement and current utility bill showing address)
Immunization records
Any legal documents related to child custody, restrictions, or restraining orders
Click here to download and print the required registration forms and for other important kindergarten registration details.
Santa Claus is coming to Town!
Come join the fun Sunday, December 4th. Christmas Carols start at 5:45 pm. Santa arrives at 6:00 pm. Free cookies and hot drinks will be available to keep you warm. Cookies and refreshments provided by Rise-N-Roll. Christmas music provided by Osceola Grace Brethren Church. Boy Scout Troop 122 will be selling Peanut Brittle. Event sponsored by the OC Business Association.
Girls on the Run – Come join the fun!
Misson: We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.
Vision: We invision a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.
Over a period of 10 weeks, girls in the 3rd through 5th grade participate in an after-school program like no other. Designed to allow every girl to recognize her inner strength, the Girls on the Run curriculum inspires girls to define their lives on their own terms. Throughout the season, the girls make new friends, build their confidence and celebrate all that makes them unique.
The Girls on the Run lessons encourage positive emotional, social, mental and physical development. Participants explore and discuss their own beliefs around experiences and challenges girls face at this age. They also develop important strategies and skills to help them navigate life experiences. We start with helping the girls get a better understanding of who they are and what’s important to them. Then, we look at the importance of team work and healthy relationships. And, finally, the girls explore how they can positively connect with and shape the world.
Physical activity is woven into our program to inspire an appreciation of fitness and to build habits that lead to a lifetime of health. At the end of each three month session, the girls participate in a Girls on the Run 5k event. This celebratory, non-competitive event is the culminating experience of the curriculum. Completing the 5k gives the girls a tangible understanding of the confidence that comes through accomplishment as well as a framework for setting and achieving life goals. Crossing the finish line is a defining moment when the girls realize that even the seemingly impossible IS possible.
Registration forms are due Feb. 6thth or before.
Practices are Tuesday and Thursday Feb. 28th – May 11th with a 5 K race on May 13th.
eLearning & Chromebook Pick Up Dec. 6th & 7th
eLearning Chromebook pick up is 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm on December 6th and 7th.
***If you did not complete the eLearning survey during parent teacher conferences, please contact our office at 674-8504. The survey helped us identify families that do not have a computer at home and would like to borrow a Chromebook to use at home in the event of a school closing.
Parents’ Night Out and Kids’ Knight In
On Friday, December 16th, all Moran Elementary students currently enrolled in grades K-5 are invited to Kids’ Knight In. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to have a night out while your child enjoys time with friends in a safe environment. Our registration packet (one per family) will come home in your child’s backpack 11/29 or 11/30. The registration form, PHM waiver form and payment (cash or check made to PTA) are due Monday, December 12th. Come join the fun!
Principal Anglin’s December Newsletter
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Winter break, December 24 – January 8, will soon be here. It is hard for me to imagine that the end of our first semester is coming soon. Teachers and students have been working hard. Thankfully we have had few illnesses so far. We at Moran want to extend to you our best wishes as the holiday season approaches. Listed below is information we hope you find helpful.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: We appreciate all our parents/guardians who were able to participate in parent-teacher conferences this year. We had an excellent 99.8% participation rate. Thanks again for taking time from your busy schedules to conference with your child’s teacher. Good communication between home and school greatly increases the success rate of students. We thank you for helping your child get off to a good start.
Wellness Guidelines: Please remember the PHM wellness guidelines do not allow fast food or other commercial foods in the school cafeteria. If you arrive with these items we will have to ask you to eat at another location inside our school. We appreciate your cooperation and support of a healthy diet for our students.
Attendance: Students demonstrate higher achievement gains when they have good attendance. Being on time is just as important. At Moran Focused Instruction starts at 8:45 a.m. This is your child’s opportunity to receive small group tutoring on the state standards they will be tested on during ISTEP testing. Help your children by making sure they have good attendance and arrive on time.
Car Riders AM: If you are providing transportation for your children please use the south entrance, Door C, of the school. The front entrance, Door A, is for bus students. We do not promote or encourage walking between buses at any time.
Early Pick Up: Please provide the office with a note if your children are being picked up prior to the normal dismissal time. This helps reduce confusion and allows dismissal to run more smoothly. Unannounced pick-ups only make dismissal more stressful for everyone. Please help your child and us by sending a note if you are picking your child up at the end of the day prior to the regular dismissal time. Your cooperation and support will be greatly appreciated.
Assessments: November and December are busy assessment months. Students in grade 4 are taking Acuity Readiness Science. Grades 3-5 are taking Acuity Readiness Language Arts and Math tests. All kindergarten and second graders are taking NWEA exams. The purpose of the NWEA test is to help identify high ability potential in Language Arts or Math. Select fifth graders will also participate.
D.A.R.E.: Graduation is scheduled for December 13 at 11:30 a.m. in the IMR. Seating is limited.
January 9, 2017: School Resumes
With the winter break and a New Year approaching I wish you and your family a very happy holiday season. Don’t forget to come visit us. We’d love to have you visit or volunteer. Moran Elementary School is dedicated to serving its students and families. Please do not hesitate to call or stop by if we can be of service.
Frank Anglin, Ed.S.
Box Tops
Thank you very much for collecting and clipping your box tops. Please send to your child’s classroom. Checks that we receive from the Box Top program are greatly appreciated and used to support student learning.